The fascination and legend of the Bowie knife goes all the way back to The Sandbar Fight of 1827. On a sandbar between Louisiana and Missisippi, James Bowie put a hunting knife designed and given to him by his brother, Rezin P. Bowie, through the heart of his attacker, ending his life instantly. Mind you, this was after being shot through the lung and stabbed repeatedly by swordcanes after a dual gone terribly wrong. Detailed eyewitness accounts of the fight were published, and the public was astonished. The Bowie became a wildly popular, constantly evolving, multi functioning design that was truly needed as a backup weapon in an era when pistols were known to frequently misfire.
Bowies made their way to Texas with James in 1830 where he ended up having a legendary mark on the Texas Revolution. - In 1835, Texans reportedly used Bowies to dig through walls and roofs in an effort to engage with the Mexicans in hand-to-hand combat. In 1836 they were most likely used in the 13-day battle of The Alamo. By 1846 Texans proudly carried the Bowie into battle along with the Colt Dragoon pistol.
Just as Rezin and James Bowie had an extremely close bond, the Texan maker of these blades has a close relationship with his brother who happens to be a Texas Cattle Raiser. Before being placed into production, most pieces designed by GK Customs goes into the hands of the maker's brother for testing purposes.
This is a GK Customs handmade hidden tang Bowie with a brass guard and axis stag handles. It's made from 8670 high carbon steel with a satin hand sanded finish. It comes outfitted with a handmade leather sheath and certificate of authenticity.